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About Emory Coleman Hardin and Pearl Lee Shelby
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Emory Coleman Hardin was born April 13, 1878 in Calhoun County, Mississippi. His parents, Carroll  Hardin and Nancy Louisa Hannah were born, raised and married in Calhoun County, and started their  family there. Some time after Emory Coleman's birth, and before 1880, the family moved to Parker  County, Texas, possibly near Poolville.

In 1904, the family moved to Round Timber, Baylor County, Texas. The next summer, E.C.'s father  died, August 27, 1905. Shortly after that, E.C. went back to Poolville to marry Pearl Lee Shelby  on September 18th. He brought his new bride back home to Round Timber.  E.C. and Pearl began  raising their own family.

In 1922 E.C. purchased and homesteaded his first farm in the Cottonwood community about 3 miles  east and 1.5 miles south of Vera, Knox County, Texas. Their son, Carroll William Hardin, was born  January 4, 1923 during their short stay at this farm.

In 1924 E.C.'s and Pearl's family moved back to Round Timber for about a year. Their son, Calvin  Coolidge Hardin, was born there January 7, 1925. Later that year they moved back to Knox County.  E.C. purchased a second homestead 2 miles east and 2 miles north of Vera in the Cold Corner  community. The last residence lived in by the E.C. Hardin family was built on the old Cold Corner  school foundation. The original home place was situated on 3/4 section of land. Later, in the  1940's, the McGuire place was purchased immediately north of the home place, adding 1/2 section of  land and several houses.

E.C. died June 28, 1969 and was buried in the Vera Cemetery. Pearl continued to live on the farm  in Vera for several years, but eventually moved to Seymour, Baylor County, Texas. After her death  January 15, 1984, she too was buried in the Vera Cemetery.

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